Gold Top Organics- Berry Blend Cold Milled brown flax seed

Gold Top Organics- Berry Blend Cold Milled brown flax seed

$10.75 CAD
Gold Top Organics
Quantity: 1 + -

Flaxseeds are high in lignans, a type of antioxidant that assists the body to reduce free radical damage and help with anti-aging, cellular-regeneration and hormonal balancing. Lignans behave similarly to the hormone estrogen, but work within the hormonal status of an individual differently, depending on what their bodies need. This unique property of lignans make flax both estrogenic and anti-entropic. In essence, they will increase estrogen levels in individuals needing a boost. Conversely, they will also lessen estrogen in an individual with too much. Lignans even have antiviral and antibacterial properties and have been known to help combat common colds and cases of flu if taken on a regular basis (x).
