Green Medicine - Vitalijit Herbal Tincture 60mL

Green Medicine - Vitalijit Herbal Tincture 60mL

$54.00 CAD
Sun Lotus
Quantity: 1 + -

Dr Robin's Murphy, ND. Original Formula formally known as: "Rasajit" Super Tonic

* Shilajit is mostly Primordial Plant Minerals and Electrolytes
Rasajit (rasajeet) is an ancient folk tonic and used as a longevity tonic to help retain youthful vitality.
Rasajit SUPERTONIC contains:
1. PLANT Minerals, Super Plant Electrolytes and Antioxidants with 85 Plant Minerals.
2. FULVATE Minerals, Super Plant Electrolytes and Antioxidants with 77 Plant Minerals.
* A potent tonic with deep healing properties
Rasajit promotes longevity, relieves pains, improves memory and cognitive ability, reduces allergies and respiratory problems, reduces stress, and relieves digestive troubles. It is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and eliminates free radicals.
